Meeting of the Organizing committee of the 8th Nevsky International Ecological Congress took place in Moscow

30 November 2016

Meeting of the Organizing committee of the 8th Nevsky International Ecological Congress took place in Moscow

Valentina Matvienko, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, presided at the meeting of the Organizing Committee of the 8th Nevsky International Ecological Congress on 30 November.

The President of the Organizing Committee pointed out that ideas and recommendations of this major environmental forum in the Eurasian space were instrumental for the nature protection activities of authorities and non-governmental organizations.

Valentina Matvienko also mentioned that the IPA CIS together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation were the traditional partners of the Federation Council in preparation and hosting of this event. “It is welcoming that Sergei Ivanov, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on Natural Conservation, the Environment and Transport, President of the Organizing Committee on Hosting the Year of Ecology, also showed interest in the work of the Congress”.

Valentina Matvienko underlined that the theme of the forthcoming congress -  Ecological Education – A Clean Country was fundamental and overarching. “It looks into the issues of environmentally responsible behavior, green economy development, as well as the culture of production and consumption, and promoting healthy lifestyles”.

IPA CIS Secretary General Alexey Sergeev noted that the 8th Nevsky International Ecological Congress would be a special occasion as 2017 had been declared the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation, as well as the Year of Protected Natural Territories while at the same time being the year of the 100th anniversary since the building the first national park in Russia. On the initiative of the IPA CIS, the Congress had been included in the calendar of main events of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation in 2017”.