Plenary session drew the outcomes of the VIII Nevsky International Congress

26 May 2017

Plenary session drew the outcomes of the VIII Nevsky International Congress

The plenary session of the VIII Nevsky International Ecological Congress took place in the Tavrichesky Palace, the IPA CIS headquarters.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Head of Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev addressed the Congress in their welcoming messages.

Vladimir Putin noted that "this traditional forum has become a credible and recognized gathering, and a big event on the agendas of our country and beyond".

"I hope that this year that has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of Protected Natural Areas, you will prioritize the issues related to the introduction of green technologies, the reclamation of polluted areas, the reduction of man-made impact on nature, and the transition to the sustainable development model", notes the welcoming message. The message was read out by Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District Nikolay Tsukanov.

In her speech, Speaker of the Federation Council, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Valentina Matvienko noted that, currently, environmental issues and climate change were emerging as priority challenges globally and could be addressed only through common action and expansion of international cooperation in this respect.

According to Valentina Matvienko, we need more joint environmental projects. "They can be implemented within other integration associations, in particular the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States".

"The CIS countries took important decisions for sound management and preservation of the environment and ensuring ecological security in such areas as land reclamation, reduction of emissions and safe waste recycling, facilitation of green technologies, developing natural protected parks, and ecological tourism.

Valentina Matvienko noted that the IPA CIS had adopted over 50 model laws in the field of environment. "Now is the time for a detailed review of the Assembly's track record in the field of ecology and assess the efficiency of implementing our model laws in the national legal frameworks". With stronger alignment of environmental norms and standards, it will be easier to build unified policies in this field.

IPA CIS Council Chairperson also stressed the need for developing international programs to train specialists in the field of ecology and environmental law, with internships provided by leading CIS colleges, as well as creating international camps for ecology students.

The Plenary Session also featured addresses of high-ranking officials, environmental experts and international guests. Speaker of the National Assembly of Madagascar Jean Max

Rakotomamonjy spoke on the biological diversity in Madagascar and their environmental action at the national level.

Representatives of PACE, PABSEC, PA Mediterranean, OSCE, WHO, PUIC also addressed the Assembly.