Session of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Women’s Forum in Moscow

08 September 2015

Session of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Women’s Forum in Moscow

The session shared on the pre-Forum activities and reviewed the progress to this date.

Valentina Matvienko, President of the Organizing Committee, and Galina Karelova, Vice-President of the Committee, stressed that the Forum will welcome over 300 guests from across the CIS and representatives of 67 Russian regions.

They also expressed appreciation to the Russian MFA for the visa support of international delegations.

Valentina Matvenko added that the Forum would welcome the guests from the United States Sarah Harber and Joan Kuriansky, the participants of the former Soviet-American Women’s Forum.

The outcome resolution will take stock of the results of the Forum’s deliberations at plenaries and panels and passed for the attention of heads of states, governments, parliaments and international organizations. “We want the resolution to go beyond a formal and declarative manner, and make it a live vehicle to promote the standpoint of women on the current challenges”, stressed Valentina Matvienko.

Senator Konstantin Kosachev informed the participants on the progress in drafting the resolution.

Alexey Sergeev, IPA CIS Council Secretary General, stressed that the Tavricheskiy Palace and the Secretariat will offer the best facilities for the Forum. He commented on the current pre-Forum activities and highlighted the work of the Forum’s web-site. On the web-site the participants can access the innovative digital participant file, the online registration, and the live coverage of the Forum.

The representatives of the IPA CIS member parliaments in the Organizing Committee reiterated their appreciation for the wonderful idea and concept of hosting the Forum.