Valentina Matvienko commented on the results of the spring session of the Upper Chamber

16 July 2015

Valentina Matvienko commented on the results of the spring session of the Upper Chamber

Valentina Matvienko mentioned a number of successful retreat events, including the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress.

“The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory was an important milestone for all of us, with many outstanding events in terms of organization and content”, noted Valentina Matvienko.

Together with the parliament of the IPA CIS member nations, senators took part in the Living Memories Tour.

According to the Speaker, the activities of the Federation Council have been productive with better quality, accountability and versatility welcomed by the public. “Independent surveys have shown the growth of positive public attitudes to the work of the Council”, she stressed.

The Federation Council held its final spring meeting on 8 July.