Valentina Matvienko congratulates the veterans

09 May 2014

Valentina Matvienko congratulates the veterans

Our dear veterans!

May I warmly congratulate you on the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Time is relentlessly pushing forward distancing us from the glorious May 1945. However, the singular achievement of the soldiers at the frontlines and workers of the war effort will forever bind the past and the present and be a source of moral righteousness, strong patriotic values and deep connections with the homeland.

Today, the glorious and selfless achievement of those who stood in the way of Nazi invaders to defend the freedom and wellbeing of future generations is celebrated in every family in this nation. Every home harbors bits of our collective memory of those who fell defending the land, the freedom and the nation comprising so many and so diverse.

Lasting memory to those who did not live to see the day of glory!

We, the current generation, are profoundly grateful to you, the veterans, for all your sacrifices.

May I wish you good health and many a long and happy years ahead.

Long live the Great Victory!