Valentina Matvienko opened the 43rd plenary session of the IPA CIS

27 November 2015

Valentina Matvienko opened the 43rd plenary session of the IPA CIS

The parliamentary delegations of the IPA CIS participants convened in the Doumskiy Hall of the Tavricheskiy Palace.

The subject of the plenary session is ‘International migration. Challenges, cooperation and future trends’. The meeting was opened by Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko.

Valentina Matvienko informed the delegates about the outcomes of the IPA CIS Council session that had been held the day before and about the Statement “On joining efforts against global terrorism”.

“It had been decided to request the Interparliamentary Union for getting the status of the associated member for the Interparliamentary Assembly. The Statement of the IPA CIS Council “On impermissible restrictive measures on political grounds towards parliamentarian delegations and members of national parliaments” was accepted. Other issues for consideration were presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the CIS in 2015, global migration, interstate broadcasting company ‘Mir’.”

Valentina Matvienko also informed that this year the IPA CIS hosted the VII Nevskiy Ecological Congress which convened 1600 participants from 39 countries, and the I Eurasian Women’s Forum which was attended by 850 guests from 80 countries.

Moreover, in 2015 the IPA CIS has been organizing the series of activities devoted to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic war.

“All working bodies of the Assembly worked on a scheduled basis. The main result of this work is 31 model laws, 11 laws were adopted on the 42 plenary session, 20 documents were discussed during the 43rd plenary session and 5 of them are devoted to the main issue on the agenda, which is migration.

The work of the Interparliamentary Assembly on 2015 was effective and full of interesting events. For sure, the plans for this year will be fulfilled” noted Valentina Matvienko.

By the decree of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS several statesman of the CIS will be awarded order “Commonwealth”, medal “For strengthening parliamentary cooperation” and Certificates of Honour.