Valentina Matvienko: "The Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum shall transform into a platform for meaningful discussions"

25 December 2018

Valentina Matvienko:

Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the Eurasian Women's Forum Organizing Committee Valentina Matvienko led the first meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum under the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Valentina Matvienko noted that the Eurasian Women's Community Internet portal successfully is functioning, the register of women's public organizations has been formed and continues to grow, numerous mutually beneficial contacts have been established, and the cooperation with international organizations and associations has been effectively developed.

Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Galina Karelova reported on the action plan of the Council of the Forum. Its activities will have three main areas:

The first is further development of international cooperation and implementation of joint projects at all international global platforms and organizations.

The second area of the Council's work will be contributing to the implementation of the National Action Strategy for Women for 2017-2022.

The third area, according to Galina Karelova, is project-related work. “About 20 projects have already been established, initiated by participants of the second Eurasian Women's Forum.” Seven of them were presented at the first meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum, such as Women in Digital Economy, the STEM project, Women for Sustainable Industrial Development, Women’s Cooperation in World Trade, Women Volunteers: Partnership for Development, and others.

The meeting also considered the organizational issues of the work of the Council and the areas for the implementation of the Final Document of the second Eurasian Women's Forum.

Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Irina Sokolova attended the meeting.