Valentina Matviyenko: "Сreation of a common educational space is a priority of integration within the CIS"

23 November 2016

Valentina Matviyenko:

“The progressive development of Eurasian integration to a large extent depends on the youth, their knowledge and professional skills, ability of specialists and managers to understand their colleagues from neighboring countries. Therefore, the formation of a coherent policy in the scientific and educational area is an absolute imperative of the integration process”, said Valentina Matvienko at the beginning of the meeting of the Board of the Integration Club under the Speaker of the Federation Council.

The meeting discussed issues of cooperation in the field of science and education among the parties to the Eurasian Project. According to the Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, building of a common educational space is a priority of integration in the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS member-states.

Valentina Matvienko also noted that deepening humanitarian ties is recognized as a key factor for sustainable development in the Statement of the CIS Heads of State on the 25th Anniversary of the CIS. At the same time, the Statement emphasizes the commitment to facilitate such cooperation as well as improve partnership in education and science.

“Obviously, it becomes a prerequisite for the development of both individual countries and the Eurasian integration process as a whole. Increasing the efficiency of scientific research is of fundamental importance. One of the key directions in this process is the alignment of legislation in the field of science, innovation and researchers training”, added Valentina Matvienko.

On 25 November 2016, the 45-th IPA CIS Plenary Session will take place in the Tavrichesky Palace. Issues of education will be the cross-cutting theme of the Session.