Dmitriy Kobitskiy: War Heroes Remain Example of Courage and True Brotherhood

09 May 2024

Dmitriy Kobitskiy: War Heroes Remain Example of Courage and True Brotherhood

Congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Victory is the common heritage of our peoples, who fought shoulder to shoulder against the cruel enemy.

The importance of the immortal feat of our ancestors, who defended the independence of the Motherland on the battlefields, who forged the Victory in the rear and raised towns and villages from the ruins, who nursed the wounded and shared bread and warmth with evacuated children, does not fade. The memory of them will live forever in our hearts, and the war heroes will remain an example of courage and valor, moral greatness and true brotherhood.

On this significant day, I sincerely wish happiness, prosperity, peace and goodness to all the peoples of our Commonwealth! Happy Victory Day!

Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy