Experts in Field of Education Presented CIS Projects for Children

11 February 2022

Experts in Field of Education Presented CIS Projects for Children

On 9 February 2022, a roundtable “Shaping a New Nationally Minded Generation”, organized by the Commission for the Development of Preschool, School, Secondary Vocational Education and Educational Activities of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation took place via videoconferencing.

The participants discussed effective mechanisms for promoting career guidance and social and labor adaptation of young people, programs for children that create space for international dialogue and joint activities, relevant tools, mechanisms, competencies and skills.

Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Science and Education, Professor Alexander Surygin represented the IPA CIS Council Secretariat at the event. In his welcoming speech, he noted that one of the important qualities of the new nationally minded generation should be a focus on mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation with the peoples of the CIS countries.

The meeting presented the international educational project “Pre-junior, junior and youth degree: youth diplomacy and international business” for future leaders and specialists in the field of international relations and international business, the project raising awareness of children on the treasures of world artistic culture “Area of Culture”, the project of the Eurasian Children’s Community “Embassy of the Future. Children’s Diplomacy”, as well as the project for schoolchildren in the field of modern technologies “National Technological Contest”.

As noted at the meeting, not only Russian schoolchildren, but also children from the CIS countries and Russian-speaking children abroad can participate in the above-mentioned projects.
