Roundtable Features of Model Law-Making of the IPA CIS in Moscow

28 June 2016

Roundtable Features of Model Law-Making of the IPA CIS in Moscow

The Committee on Constitutional Law and State-Building of the Federation Council hosted the roundtable Features of Model Law-Making of the IPA CIS in Moscow.

Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Law and State-Building Andrey Klishas opened the meeting.

"Model law-making within the Assembly must respond to the current challenges", said Andrey Klishas. There is a growing momentum in the integration across the post-Soviet space. In this regard, IPA CIS-led model law-making efforts need a new impetus, added the senator.

Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Sergeev presented his welcome remarks to the roundtable participants. "The overall track record of the IPA CIS includes 486 model laws", he noted. He added that experts developing model laws were contracted on a competitive basis.

Alexander Surygin, Chief of the Analytical Dept of the IPA CIS Secretariat, shared on the features of model-law making efforts of the Assembly. He showed some statistics and noted that 80 percent of the documents adopted by the Assembly had been instrumental in national electoral processes.

The participants of the roundtable discussed the program of model law-making for 2017-2019 and the hosting of international events initiated by the Federation Council to align and harmonize the laws of the CIS nations.

The participants of the roundtable expressed the general opinion that the alignment of laws of the CIS nations provided better conditions for their cooperation and new opportunities.

The roundtable brought together representatives of authorities, the Federal Attorney Chamber of Russia, academia, and NGOs. Deputy Head of IPA CIS Secretariat Alexey Dolzhikov also attended the roundtable.