Sergey Antufiev met with mass media representatives of St. Petersburg and Moscow

12 December 2017

Sergey Antufiev met with mass media representatives of St. Petersburg and Moscow

The meeting brought together the representatives of TV-channels “Vmeste-RF”, “MIR”, “Russia – St. Petersburg”, “St. Petersburg”, periodicals “Parliamentary Newspaper”, “Kommersant”, “St. Petersburg Vedomosti”, “Petersburg Diary”, news agencies “TASS”, “REGNUM”, “Sputnik”, the online editorial “Petersburg Format”.

The guests were presented the documentary dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the IPA CIS. Sergey Antufiev informed the participants on the activities of the Interparliamentary Assembly for the current year and shared on the plans of the organization. The Acting Secretary General also invited the representatives of mass media to participate in the major events to take place in autumn 2018, including the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum and the International Conference of the Red Cross.