“Vmeste-RF” TV channel presented a special report on the IPA CIS activities in 2016

03 January 2017

“Vmeste-RF” TV channel presented a special report on the IPA CIS activities in 2016

Special report “Outcomes of the IPA CIS activities in 2016 and plans for 2017” prepared by journalists of the “Vmeste-RF” channel was viewed on 30 December.

The report highlights major events which took place in Tavrichesky Palace in 2016, such as the Council of Legislators, the IPA CIS spring plenary session events, which brought together heads of the world`s largest parliamentary organizations, and the IPA CIS autumn plenary session, which raised important issues of interparliamentary cooperation in the humanitarian sphere.

The report also underlined that 2016 had been the year of the CIS 25th anniversary. “The Commonwealth of Independent States ensured development and extending of cooperation of the states in economic, political, humanitarian and military areas”, stated Valentina Matvienko, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Alexey Sergeev, IPA CIS Council Secretary General, told Darja Vojegova, the author of the report, that in the incoming year the IPA CIS headquarters would welcome 3000 parliamentarians from 171 countries in the framework of the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

The report is available in the website of the “Vmeste-RF” TV channel.