CIS Parliamentarians Participate in “Memory of the Heart” Project
08 May 2020
On the eve of the 75th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War the MPs of the Commonwealth joined the “Memory of the Heart” project: they told about their relatives, who fought for the Motherland in 1941–1945, and their belongings, which became family relics.
The series of stories was prepared by the “Mir” Interstate Broadcasting Company with the support of the IPA CIS.
Videoclips featuring MPs and other participants of the “Memory of the Heart” project from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are broadcasted by the “Mir” and “Mir 24” channels. The videoclips are also available on the websites of broadcasting company and the IPA CIS.
The “Memory of the Heart” project will be updated with new stories throughout the year 2020, which is declared in the CIS Member Nations the Year of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
You can support the project by uploading the photo or video with the history of your hero and the family relic on your page in social networks with #memoryoftheheart hashtag.