Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates Independence Day

31 August 2024

Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates Independence Day

On 31 August, the Kyrgyz Republic celebrates one of the main state holidays - Independence Day.

On 31 August 1991, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, a resolution was adopted on the Declaration of State Independence of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. According to this historic act, the Kyrgyz Republic became an independent, sovereign and democratic state.

The adoption of the document marked the beginning of a new stage in the modern history of Kyrgyzstan.

After gaining independence, the Kyrgyz Republic declared its adherence to the universally recognized principles of international law, friendship and cooperation among peoples, and unswerving compliance with its earlier commitments.

Celebrations in honor of Kyrgyzstan’s Independence Day begin in Bishkek’s central Ala-Too Square, where concerts and a festive procession of citizens take place.

Museums and libraries hold photo exhibitions devoted to the history and modernity of the Kyrgyz Republic. Traditionally, the festive day ends with a colorful fireworks display.
