Valentina Matvienko: Strengthening Cooperation With CIS Partners Remains Priority Area

20 January 2021

Valentina Matvienko: Strengthening Cooperation With CIS Partners Remains Priority Area

The 496th Session of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation took place today. Opening the session, Speaker Valentina Matvienko outlined the main tasks for the senators for the upcoming period, noting as top priorities overcoming the consequences of the pandemic, economic recovery and support of the citizens, as well as achieving sustainable development of the country.

According to the Speaker, concrete steps are needed to achieve the national development goals of Russia in the coming year, as determined by the Head of State. “We see that the Government has already actively joined their implementation. Now, for our part, we must just as quickly and efficiently provide legislative support for the measures allowing the country to implement plans and projects to ensure a qualitatively new level of the citizens’ well-being, leadership positions in the field of science, technology, and the world economy”,  she noted.

According to the press service of the Federation Council, during the spring session a whole range of measures will be taken to support education, culture, ecology and social area.

A rich agenda has also been elaborated in the field of ​​inter-parliamentary cooperation. “Strengthening interaction with our partners from the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States remains a priority area”, said Valentina Matvienko. She noted the effective work of the monitoring missions with the participation of the senators, such as the parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan and the presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan. “A number of visits to the CIS countries are scheduled for the coming months, as well as the work within bilateral commissions”, the Speaker added.
