Meeting of Commission on Economic Issues at CIS Economic Council Took Place in Moscow

22 July 2021

Meeting of Commission on Economic Issues at CIS Economic Council Took Place in Moscow

On 21 July 2021, a regular meeting of the Commission on Economic Issues at the CIS Economic Council took place in Moscow, the Russian Federation.

One of the key topics on the agenda was the issue of removing the barriers in bilateral trade of the Member Nations, which is constantly in the circle of attention during the meetings of the CIS supreme bodies.

Members of the Commission also approved the Draft Complex Plan of Events for 2021–2025 on the Implementation of the 2030 CIS Intergovernmental Program of Innovative Cooperation.

In addition, the members of the Commission discussed the draft Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Copyright Protection. Its implementation would make it possible to bring legislation within the framework of the CIS in line with modern realities and international requirements in this area, as well as consolidate the efforts of the CIS Member Nations to protect the rights of authors and copyright holders.

Particular attention was drawn to the Intergovernmental Trust Program on Reclamation of the Territories of the States Exposed to Uranium Mining Operations.
