Ashgabat Hosts Council of CIS Heads of State

11 October 2019

Ashgabat Hosts Council of CIS Heads of State

Ashgabat hosted a meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of State, which adopted a number of important documents including the Declaration on Strategic Economic Cooperation.

The Declaration presented by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow features the coherent approach to promote the economic interests of the whole Commonwealth and each CIS Member Nation aimed at the establishment of the efficient partnership mechanisms enhancing the economic relations both within the CIS and with the other countries and international organizations.

The meeting also approved the Appeal of the CIS Member Nations to the Peoples of the Commonwealth and International Community with Respect to the 75th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. It notes the decisive contribution of the peoples of the CIS countries to the complete and final victory over fascism, calls upon to oppose the revival of Nazi ideology and join efforts to build a fair and secure world order in accordance with the generally recognized norms and principles of international law.

Moreover, the participants signed the CIS Convention on Transfer of Non-Custodial Punishments and the CIS Program of Cooperation in Combating Terrorism and Other Violent Forms of Extremism for 2020–2022.

According to the Decision of the Council of the CIS Heads of State, in 2020 the Republic of Uzbekistan will simultaneously preside in the Commonwealth, the Council of the CIS Heads of State, the Council of the CIS Heads of Government, the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers, the CIS Economic Council, the Council of the Permanent Representatives of the CIS Member Nations at the Statutory and Other Bodies of the Commonwealth and the Economic Policies Commission at the CIS Economic Council. The CIS will be co-chaired by the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow was awarded with a medal of the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund due to his outstanding achievements in the field of the development of humanitarian cooperation.