CIS experts will take part in 13th Belarus International Media Forum

21 August 2018

CIS experts will take part in 13th Belarus International Media Forum

This year's Belarus International Media Forum Partnership for the Future: Digital Agenda for the Media Sector will focus on the digitization of the Eurasian Economic Union, the development of digital economy and information society in Belarus, enhancing the performance of modern mass media. Special attention will be paid to digital formats of media operation, implementation of new media management technologies, and cross-border information challenges and threats emerging due to an active growth of online media.

Media leaders, political scientists, experts from more than 30 CIS and foreign countries will take part in the Forum.

The program of the media forum will include a plenary session with thematic panel discussions, a summer school of journalism with master classes by leading foreign and Belarusian media professionals and experts.

The Forum has become a landmark international project bringing together prominent representatives of expert and media community to discuss relevant issues, exchange views, and develop new ideas and concepts.