CIS representatives finalized the draft Agreement on the Establishment and Functioning of the Commonwealth Network University

22 February 2019

CIS representatives finalized the draft Agreement on the Establishment and Functioning of the Commonwealth Network University

On 21-22 February, a meeting of the CIS Advisory Board on Cooperation in Education on finalization the draft Agreement on the Establishment and Functioning of the Commonwealth Network University took place at the CIS Executive Committee office in Minsk.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the CIS Executive Committee.
The participants finalized the draft Agreement, taking into account the proposals, and decided to submit it on their next meeting.

The Network University provides 27 education programs. In a number of states, student tuition is paid based on the quotas of national budgets.