Draft Plan of Priority Measures in the Sphere of Humanitarian Cooperation among CIS States for 2019–2020 agreed in Minsk

15 December 2017

Draft Plan of Priority Measures in the Sphere of Humanitarian Cooperation among CIS States for 2019–2020 agreed in Minsk

The meeting of the Expert Group on Drafting the Plan of Priority Measures in the Sphere of Humanitarian Cooperation among CIS States for 2019–2020 took place at the CIS Executive Committee in Minsk.

The meeting brought together plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Coordination Council of the International Union “Commonwealth of Civil Society Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States”, International Television and Broadcasting Company MIR, as well as the representatives of the CIS Executive Committee. Yuri Andreev, a representative of the IPA CIS, attended the meeting on behalf of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat.

The participants of the session discussed and agreed the amendments to the Draft Plan and asked the CIS Executive Committee to submit it for the consideration of the Council of the CIS Heads of Government. The Draft Plan features various general humanitarian actions, the CIS Forums of Artistic and Scientific Intelligentsia, international cultural and educational forums.

The Plan also includes hosting of cultural, educational and scientific events, activities in the sphere of book publishing and readership, sports and tourism, youth engagement, information and mass communications.

Relevant parts of the Plan include dedicated events which will be held across the CIS in the framework of the “humanitarian years”. In accordance with the Decision of the Council of the CIS Heads of State, 2019 is declared the Year of the Book, 2020 will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

The amendments to the plan were proposed by the CIS Member Nations, the CIS Advisory Board on Humanitarian Cooperation, the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund, the CIS Advisory Board on Cooperation in Education, the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations and the International Television and Broadcasting Company MIR.

The Draft Plan comprises the proposal made by the IPA CIS on hosting the 6th International Cultural and Educational Forum of the CIS countries “Children of the Commonwealth”, the 12th Annual International Research Conference “Readings in the Tavricheskiy”, the 20th International Festival of Russian Theatres of CIS and Baltic Countries "Meetings in Russia", and the International Young Men Basketball Tournament dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The Draft Plan of Priority Measures in the Sphere of Humanitarian Cooperation among CIS States for 2019–2020 is designed on the initiative of the CIS Advisory Board on Humanitarian Cooperation and will replace the current Plan for 2017-2018.