Expert meetings of the CIS planned to be held online

13 January 2017

Expert meetings of the CIS planned to be held online

According to the BELTA news agency, expert and other meetings of the CIS are expected to be held online, said Sergei Lebedev, CIS Executive Secretary, at the meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Member Nations at Statutory and other Bodies of the Commonwealth.

The CIS Executive Committee expects that a dedicated link connecting Moscow and Minsk will be set up in the first half of the year. “As we move froward, all the CIS member nations will be connected to this system, which will make it possible to organize expert and other meetings online”,noted Sergei Lebedev. He recalled that the proposal to use videoconferencing more actively in the daily activities of the CIS Executive Committee had been made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Makei.