Inter-regional and trans-border cooperation of the CIS countries discussed in Bishkek

19 July 2016

Inter-regional and trans-border cooperation of the CIS countries discussed in Bishkek

The capital of the Kyrgyz Republic held the V session of the CIS Advisory Board on Inter-regional and Trans-border cooperation. The participants shared their opinions on inter-regional and trans-border cooperation and discussed the implementation of the action plan for the Strategy of the CIS Economic Development up to 2020.

Along with that the Advisory Board regarded the draft Convention on Inter-regional Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations, analysed the rationale for establishing a Foundation for Programme Implementation and Investment Project Support, and regarded the possible implementation of the investment and innovative pilot project Inter-border Region ‘The Commomwealth’.

During their discussion, the parties touched upon the role of chambers of Commerce and Industry in developing inter-regional and trans-border cooperation and summarized their experience in bilateral agreements on cooperation between regions.

The participants elected the Advisory Board Chairperson – Tatyana Retz, Head of Foreign Relations Department of the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The session was attended by representatives of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the CIS Executive Committee.

The VI Session of the Advisory Board is scheduled for the first half of 2017 and will take place in the Russian Federation.