Intergovernmental project “Great Victory, Achieved through Unity” to be implemented in the CIS in 2018–2020

25 April 2018

Intergovernmental project “Great Victory, Achieved through Unity” to be implemented in the CIS in 2018–2020

According to the CIS Executive Committee press-service, the project started on 25 April in Bryansk, at the international victors’ forum “Great Victory, Achieved through Unity: Heroic Deeds of the Guerilla and Underground Fighters during the Great Patriotic War”. The program features relevant events in the CIS member nations, aimed at preserving common historic memory of the Great Patriotic War and combating the perversion of history.

According to Executive Director of the CIS Intergovernmental Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation Anatoly Iksanov, the main objective of the project is to remember all those who died during the Great Patriotic War for the peaceful sky over their heads.