International symphony orchestra “Tavricheskiy” celebrates its birthday

06 December 2016

International symphony orchestra “Tavricheskiy” celebrates its birthday

A big concert devoted to the 7th birthday of the international symphony orchestra “Tavricheskiy” took place in the Catherine hall of the Tavricheskiy palace.

This year the concert is dedicated to the human personality and its connection with history, look into the future, beauty, talent diversity, ability to love and forgive, feel joy and sadness, and build future for next generations.

The program of the concert titled “From the past to the future” included classical works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Liadov, Shostakovich as well as music of modern composers. Young soloists of St. Petersburg musical theatres and Andrei Petrov Foundation, the children choir and guest musicians performed during the concert.

Revived in 2009 and inspired by the orchestra which used to play for His Highness Prince Grigory Potemkin, the international symphony orchestra “Tavriceskiy” has been recognized as a credible and young creative team in the course of the seven years of its productive work.