Issues of labor, migration and social protection of the IPA CIS population discussed in the Republic of Tajikistan

21 September 2018

Issues of labor, migration and social protection of the IPA CIS population discussed in the Republic of Tajikistan

A meeting of the CIS Advisory Board on Labor, Migration and Social Protection of Population of the CIS Member Nations took place in Dushanbe.

A number of issues discussed related to the implementation of the Action Plan to Implement the Third Stage (2016-2020) of the Strategy of Economic Development of the Commonwealth of Independent States till 2020, among which are the exchange of information and methodology, legal and regulatory materials and elaboration of universal principles for developing and implementation of the CIS professional standards.

The draft Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Promotion of Population Employment of the Commonwealth of Independent States was considered as part of the discussion of issues related to the implementation of Priority Activities on Formation of a Common Labor Market and Regulation of Labor Migration for 2017-2020, adopted by the Decision of the CIS Economic Council of 17 March 2017.

The meeting in Dushanbe also discussed the issues, related to the IPA CIS activities to implement the Long-Term Plan of Model Law-Making of the CIS for 2016-2020 in social and labor areas, information exchange on the organizations providing training, retraining and personnel skills development to regulate labor in the CIS countries, as well as to the access rules for the national information and analytic databases in social and labor and migration fields.

Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Social Policy and Human Rights Evgenia Vladimirova took part in the event on behalf of the IPA CIS.