Second Eurasian Women’s Forum. Day 2 of the substantive program

20 September 2018

Second Eurasian Women’s Forum. Day 2 of the substantive program

Official opening of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum – the plenary session “Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development” took place in the Dumsky Hall of the Tavrichesky Palace. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the event. The head of the Russian state welcomed the organizers and guests of the Forum. He mentioned that the Forum’s geographic coverage has reached far beyond the Eurasian continent.

Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko noted in her speech that the Forum, as was the case three years ago, confirmed its global status, having brought together participants from 110 countries.

Moreover, the representatives from more than 27 major international organizations, including United Nations, World Health Organization, UNIDO, UNICEF, International Labour Organization, and World Bank sent their representatives to attend the Forum.

During the day Valentina Matvienko delivered a speech at the opening session of Women 20 in the margins of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum, stressing that each country, presiding in the association, was contributing to the development of a common agenda.

The meeting of the international experts “UNIDO: a Global Platform to Promote Women’s Entrepreneurship” also took place during Day 2. The meeting solemnly announced the appointment of the UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador from the Russian Federation.

An open discussion “Women in Culture: Traditions and Innovations” was held at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, where the start of the museum and theatrical project “Preserved for Eternity” was announced. The project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the transformation of the former royal residencies “Gatchina”, “Pavlovsk” “Peterhof” and “Tsarskoye Selo” in public museums.

Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko held a number of bilateral meetings in the margins of the events.