Meeting of the CIS Council of the Heads of Government takes place in Ashgabat

31 May 2019

Meeting of the CIS Council of the Heads of Government takes place in Ashgabat

The heads of government discussed more than 10 draft documents aimed at enhancing cooperation, improving and development of the Commonwealth legislative framework.

Within the framework of a narrow meeting the heads of delegations exchanged their opinions on relevant issues of the CIS economic cooperation, as well as set the date and venue of the regular meeting of the CIS Council of the Heads of Government. Upon the proposal of the Russian Federation it will take place on 25 October 2019 in Moscow.

Within the framework of a broader meeting after hearing the information presented by Chairman of the Interstate Advisory Board on Cooperation in Scientific and Technological and Innovation Areas, Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shumilin, the heads of government adopted the Decision to Prepare a Draft Interstate Program of the CIS Innovative Cooperation until 2030.

The meeting adopted the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Customs in the Field of Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights.

Moreover, the participants signed the Agreement on Coordination of Interstate Relations in the Field of Fundamental Research of the CIS Member Nations aimed at building common scientific space and effective mechanism of cooperation in the field of scientific activity of the Commonwealth.

The Agreement on Cooperation in Museum Affairs signed at the meeting serves to facilitate interaction of the CIS member nations in the field of culture, preserve the best practices of cooperation in the field of museum affairs and expanding museum and exhibition exchange in the Commonwealth.

Besides, the heads of government signed a number of protocols amending the previously adopted documents, which will serve to expand and reinforce the CIS interaction in the field of trade, custom declaration and control of goods, as well as transit through the CIS countries.