Meeting of the CIS Physical Culture and Sport Board is taking place in Yerevan

07 June 2018

Meeting of the CIS Physical Culture and Sport Board is taking place in Yerevan

The dialogue was fruitful and dynamic. The participants actively exchanged opinions, addressed questions to the speakers and made proposals on the topics of the reports. The proposals received within the framework of the public dialogue were forwarded to the representatives of the Working Group on the Improvement of the Electoral Legislation of the Kyrghyz Republic.

The two-day meeting of the Meeting of the CIS Physical Culture and Sport Board began its work in the capital of the Republic of Armenia. Among its key topics is the development of 2021-2030 Strategy on the Development of Physical Culture and Sports..

The Working Group on drafting the Strategy included representatives of relevant departments of the seven Commonwealth countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. The proposals on the structure of the new document and the main content of its sections should be sent to the CIS Executive Committee not later than 15 September.

According to the press service of the CIS Executive Committee, the meeting will discuss the draft Provisions on the CIS Base Organization in the field of Physical Culture and Sports.

The participants of the meeting will also analyze the work on the sports development and the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the Commonwealth countries in recent years and will discuss issues related to sports medicine and anti-doping activities in the CIS countries.