Meeting of the working group of the Eurasian Women’s Forum took place in Moscow

25 July 2017

Meeting of the working group of the Eurasian Women’s Forum took place in Moscow

Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Galina Karelova held a meeting of the Working Group of the Eurasian Women’s Forum in Moscow.

The representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Deputy Head of the Directorate of Parliamentary Cooperation of the IPA CIS Elena Eremenko took part in the event.

The main area of the Group's work are outlined in the National Strategy of Action for Women for 2017-2022 approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on 7 March.

The participants of the meeting discussed the results of the work of the Working Group during the spring session and exchanged views on the preparations to the second Eurasian Women’s Forum to be held in 2018.

Galina Karelova stressed that the WG interacts with more than 2000 Russian women-led public associations, actively promotes women's agenda, in particular at the international level. She also mentioned that the Eurasian Women's Society portal had been organized the year before, covering all areas of women involvement. The portal is currently actively discussing themes of the Second EAWF, with one of the key focuses on supporting and developing women entrepreneurship.

The WG held over 15 events during the spring session. These included the award of the winners of the Social Recognition Prize Woman of the Year, and the meeting of IPA CIS Chairperson, Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko with women researchers themed Open Dialog with Women Researchers and rural social workers.