Member states of CIS consider opportunities for mutual admission of compliance assessments relative to accreditation bodies

06 October 2016

Member states of CIS consider opportunities for mutual admission of compliance assessments relative to accreditation bodies

The 37th session of the Scientific-Technical Committee of compliance assessment and accreditation of the Interstate Council for standardization, metrology and certification was held in Baku.

As the State Committee of standartization, metrology and patent of the Republic of Azerbaijan informs, the circle of participation of the session includes the representatives of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of the Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine.

«The meeting discussion was focused on the mechanism of the Council structure development in 2016-2020, as well as on the effectiveness of the national certification systems and mutual admission of  compliance certificates, the inventory of the legal basis of the CIS members, etc.”, - the message says.

Such issues as the reciprocal admission of compliance assessments of the accreditation bodies, the development of the interstate standards (GOST – State Standard) in view of the introduction of the international standards (ISO, IEC) were considered during the session.