The CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund will implement more than 60 large projects in 2016

18 December 2015

The CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund will implement more than 60 large projects in 2016

On 15 December 2015 under the umbrella of the IV International Cultural Forum St. Petersburg held a joint session of the CIS Advisory Board on Humanitarian Cooperation and the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund.

The meeting was attended by the extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation, Chairperson of the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund Polad Byulbyul ogly, special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on international cultural cooperation, Co-chair of the Board of the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund Mikhail Shvydkoy, Executive Director of the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund Anatoliy Iksanov and other members of the Fund.

The humanitarian cooperation in the CIS in 2015 was on the top of the agenda. The landmark event of 2015 was the 70th anniversary in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. Veterans from the CIS, Georgia and the Baltic states were invited to the Winners’ Forum in Moscow.

During 2015 historians, political scientists, journalists and sociologists participated in various round tables and discussion and gave their assessment of the Great Victory and its influence on the mindset of modern people of the post-soviet space.

The Youth Theater Forum was another important event. This year it took place in Minsk. The capital of Belarus was proud to welcome actors, stage producers, playwrights, stage-designers and the appreciative audience.

The CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund carried out its traditional events along with the new beginnings, like for example the cooperation with the Silk Road countries.

More than 40 large projects attended by more than 7,000 representatives of the CIS, Georgia and the Baltic States were organized this year under the auspices of the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund.

The program for 2016 was another important issue in the agenda. 2016 in the CIS will be the Year of Education, and much attention during the session was paid to the educational programs in 2016. The traditional events will go in hand with new initiatives. Totally the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund is planning to arrange 60 large projects in humanitarian cooperation in 2016.