The regular meeting of the CIS Advisory Board on Cultural Cooperation took place in the IPA CIS HQ

12 October 2018

The regular meeting of the CIS Advisory Board on Cultural Cooperation took place in the IPA CIS HQ

Chairman of the Advisory Board, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, Yury Bondar opened the meeting.

State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alla Manilova welcomed the guests and presented a report on the State Policy in the Field of Culture of the Russian Federation.

IPA CIS Council Secretary General Yury Osipov, the honorary guest of the event, noted that 2018 has been declared the Year of Culture in the CIS.

The meeting was attended by delegations of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, CIS Executive Committee, theCIS Interparliamentary Assembly, and the International Delphic Committee.

The meeting focused on a number of issues related to the implementation of the CIS Main Cooperation Measures in the field of culture for 2016–2020 and the Action Plan dedicated to the Year of Culture in the CIS, execution of the Intergovernmental Program Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth: in 2018 in the Republic of Armenia, in 2019 in the Republic of Belarus, and in 2020 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.