YIPA CIS Experience Showcased at Educational Project “School of Young Lawmakers”
10 November 2020
On 10 November 2020, a meeting within the framework of the educational project “School of Young Lawmakers” was held in the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Oblast.
The event was attended by Deputy Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Oblast Nikolai Pustotin, member of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Oblast, Deputy Chair of the Permanent Commission on Education, Science, Culture, Tourism, Sports and Youth Affairs Alexander Russkih, Chairperson of the Youth Parliament of the Leningrad Oblast Galina Nikiforova, as well as – via videoconferencing – heads of the youth parliaments of various regions of the Russian Federation.
Deputy Head of the Directorate of Parliamentary Cooperation - Head of the Department for Relations with Delegations, Executive Secretary of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations (YIPA CIS) Margarita Safarova represented the IPA CIS Council Secretariat at the event.
Margarita Safarova informed the meeting participants about the YIPA CIS activities and legislative initiatives. She highlighted the Recommendations on Establishing and Developing Youth Parliamentary Structures in the CIS adopted at the IPA CIS 49th plenary session. Margarita Safarova stated that this document aroused great interest in the national parliaments of the Commonwealth, as well as in foreign colleagues.
She also stressed that the YIPA CIS also initiated various ideas and projects aimed at strengthening humanitarian cooperation in the CIS. These include the 2020 media project “Memory Lines”, a series of poetic video messages from the IPA CIS Member Nations. Margarita Safarova invited the participants of the School of Young Lawmakers to join this project by posting on social networks a video with a poem read on camera and the hashtag # CIS Memory Lines.