Legal regulation in the field of combating terrorism was discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

12 April 2018

Legal regulation in the field of combating terrorism was discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

At the IPA CIS HQ, the meeting of the IPA CIS Joint Commission on the Harmonization of Legislation in the Field of Security and Countering New Challenges and Threats was concluded. The meeting brought together members of the IPA CIS PC on Defense and Security Issues, representatives of the CIS sectoral cooperation authorities, CIS relevant authorities, as well as academia and international organizations.

The meeting discussed the draft Recommendations on the Implementation of the Principles of International Humanitarian Law on Countering Terrorism and Other Violent Manifestations of Extremism.

A representative of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring of the Russian Federation reported on the current state of legal regulation of the CIS efforts in the field of countering laundering of criminal assets, financing terrorism and the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The expert of the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center reported on the current issues and prospects for legal regulation in the field of combating terrorism and other violent manifestations of extremism.

The meeting considered the implementation of the resolution adopted at the meeting of the IPA CIS Council on 13 October 2017 in connection with the declaration of 2020 in the CIS as the Year of the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Information on this issue was prepared by the Military History Research Institute of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.