Valentina Matvienko: "We will never forget those who stood to defend our dear Leningrad"

27 January 2018

Valentina Matvienko:

27 January 1944 is a special day in the history of our country, the day when Leningrad was liberated from the fascist siege. This event of a global significance was an evidence of courage and resilience of city residents and a crucial milestone of the Great Victory. We will never forget those who stood for the freedom of our dearest Leningrad and the Homeland during the most brutal and devastating war of the 20th century.

“Dear residents of St. Petersburg, dear veterans, the Leningrad siege was celebrated in many songs, poems and films, but only you know the true scale of the tragedy of those days. Every day of the besieged city was an achievement that will be remembered by the future generations. We are grateful to you for defending and saving our beautiful city!”, says the official message of Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko to the Governor of St. Petersburg and residents of the city.