IPA CIS Observer Team met with leaders of the parliament of Belarus

10 September 2016

IPA CIS Observer Team met with leaders of the parliament of Belarus

The teams of IPA CIS international observers met with Speaker of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Andreychenko.

Vladimir Andreychenko underscored that Belarus was providing all necessary conditions to make the election process free, democratic, open and inclusive thus reflecting the true will of the Belorussian people.

He told the observers that the Election Code of the Republic Belarus saw significant corrections in 2013 which had been recognized by the international expert community. Following the recommendations of OSCE ODIHR after the presidential election of 2015, some procedural changes had been introduced with respect to forming election commissions, canvassing procedures and the work of observers.

"Today the observers can witness the handover of final protocols by precinct commissions", said the Speaker.

Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observer Team Vladimir Bozhko expressed confidence that the election would be held in accordance with highest standards. He also gave Vladimir Andreyechenko a copy of the report by the expert team on long-term monitoring of the election.

The same day later the observer team met with Speaker of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich.

Mikhail Myasnikovich and Vladimir Bozhko shared on the current efforts of Belarus to reform electoral legislation and the successful results delivered to this date.

Mikhail Myasnikovich took questions from international observers and noted the need for stronger inter-parliamentary dialogue, further alignment of CIS national laws and enhancement of trade and economic cooperation.