IPA CIS participates in the remembrance ceremony in Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery

08 September 2015

IPA CIS participates in the remembrance ceremony in Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery

Each year on 8 September dozens of wreaths and flowers are laid at the Memorial to Mother Nation to commemorate the grim date of the beginning of the Siege of Leningrad on 8 September 1941 when the Nazi troops closed the evil ring around Leningrad. Not until 27 January 1944 could the Soviet troops lift the Siege that had taken the lives of thousands of civilians and soldiers.

A wreath was laid on behalf of IPA CIS Council Chairperson Valentina Matvienko.

Veterans, IPA CIS staff, resident representatives of the IPA CIS parliaments, city officials, public servants, clerical leaders and NGOs attended the ceremony.

A march of the honor guard, the guard of the color and the military brass orchestra closed the ceremony.